BRIGHT PEOPLE, SERVICE & TECHNOLOGY                                             

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Acquisition, Brightco technology acquired
Development Center, Brightco Technology setup its development center in India.
         Relocation Services Brightco Relocation service 
Brightco Technology’s dedicated data center relocation practice has performed hundreds of complex data center relocations for some of the biggest names in business. In the process, we’ve developed and perfected a methodology and toolset that enable us to relocate complex data center environments--in most cases, without any disruption in service. This proven methodology works for any type of data center relocation and includes assessment, design, implementation, management, procurement and financing services.

We provide a managed approach with proven processes for desktops, server rooms, data center and labs environment.

We offer various relocation services, depending on the criticality of your move and environment.



Dedicated project manager to manage overall migration.

Complete inventory of your hardware and software environment

Dedicated technical lead to maximize project efficiencies.

De-installation and re-installation of multiple hardware platforms (PC, MAC or Unix).

Reconfiguration of servers/desktop at destinations if needed.

Post move support services.